Video Game Addiction: Symptoms, Treatments & Prevention for Problematic Gaming

Video games have been around for a long time and have become an increasingly popular pastime for people of every age group. Video games were once viewed as something just for children, but it is now estimated that two-thirds of American households contain at least one person who plays video games regularly. Video game addiction, however, has also become increasingly prevalent in recent years and can have serious negative impacts on a person's mental and physical health. Video game addiction is characterized by excessive or compulsive use of video games that interferes with the person’s daily life. It is important for people to recognize the signs of this addiction in order to seek treatment, as well as look at ways to prevent it before it becomes an issue.

What Is Problematic Gaming?

Problematic gaming is defined as an addiction to playing video games that leads to negative consequences for the person’s social, occupational, or physical health. It can range from obsessive gaming behavior to severe cases where the individual spends the majority of their day and night playing video games. Video game addiction can manifest itself in various forms, including compulsive gaming, obsessive thoughts about gaming, social isolation and withdrawal from other activities, neglecting self-care or school/work duties in order to play video games, and engaging in hostile behavior when not allowed to play.

How Does Problematic Gaming Differ From Normal Gaming?

Problematic gaming is different from normal gaming in that it has a negative impact on a person’s life. Video games can be a great way to relax and unwind, but when someone starts spending too much time playing or becomes completely consumed by their game, this is when problematic gaming can become an issue. While some people may not be able to recognize when their gaming has become problematic, it is important to take a step back and evaluate if the amount of time spent playing video games is impacting your day-to-day life in any way.

Gaming Addiction Statistics

Unfortunately, gaming addiction is becoming an increasingly prevalent problem among both children and adults. According to a 2018 survey by the Video Game Addiction Treatment Program, 28% of computer game players reported feeling symptoms of video game addiction. Furthermore, 10% of all gamers admitted that their gaming habits interfered with their daily lives. Video game addiction is also more common in young people, with 17.9% of boys aged 12-17 reporting symptoms of video game addiction compared to 4.3% of girls in the same age group.

It is clear from the gaming addiction statistics that video game addiction is becoming a global problem and it is important for people to be aware of the signs and risks associated with this type of addiction.

Why is Gaming Addictive?

While gaming can be a great way to have fun and relax, it can also become an addiction if the person spends too much time playing. From a psychological standpoint, gaming triggers the brain’s reward system, which releases dopamine and endorphins that give the person a feeling of pleasure. This is why people often feel compelled to continue playing and why it can be difficult to stop. Gaming can become a form of escapism - people can feel like they are not in the real world while playing, which leads them to want to stay in the game for longer periods of time. 

Signs You Have a Gaming Addiction

There are some common video game addiction symptoms that a person may be experiencing with video game addiction. These include: playing video games for extended periods of time, neglecting responsibilities and social activities in order to play video games, feeling irritable or anxious when not allowed to play video games, lying to friends/family about game use, losing track of time while gaming, and feeling a need to play video games more frequently or for longer periods of time. 

Best Treatment Options for a Gaming Addiction

If you think you or someone else may be struggling with a gaming addiction, it is important to seek help as soon as possible. Treatment for gaming addiction usually involves psychotherapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT helps the patient identify and change unhelpful thoughts and behaviors that are associated with gaming. Additionally, it may involve counseling to help address underlying issues such as depression or anxiety that might be fueling video game addiction.

At Next Level Recovery Associates, our experienced counselors are dedicated to helping individuals regain control of their gaming habits and lead healthier, happier lives. Our team specializes in evidence-based treatments, such as CBT and motivational interviewing, that can help you understand your video game addiction and develop strategies for overcoming it. If you or someone you know is struggling with a gaming addiction, please don't hesitate to reach out for help. It's never too late to take the steps needed to gain control of your life. 

What are the Effects of Video Gaming Addiction?

The effects of video game addiction can be severe, negatively impacting the person’s social, occupational, and physical health. Symptoms may include anxiety, depression, insomnia, and problems with concentration. Furthermore, video game addiction can lead to social isolation, as well as financial problems due to excessive spending on video games. 

It is important to be aware of the signs and risks associated with video game addiction so that you can identify if your own gaming habits are becoming problematic. If you or someone you know is showing signs of video game addiction problems, it is important to seek professional help. 

Can Problematic Gaming Be Effectively Treated?

Problematic gaming can be effectively treated with the help of a qualified mental health professional. Treatment for video game addiction usually involves some form of psychotherapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT helps the patient identify and change unhelpful thoughts and behaviors that are associated with gaming. It may involve counseling to help address underlying issues such as depression or anxiety that might be fueling video game addiction. Lifestyle changes and activities like exercise, socializing, and time management can also be beneficial for those struggling with a gaming addiction.

Is Video Game Addiction a Real Disorder?

Video game addiction is increasingly being recognized as a real disorder. In 2018, the World Health Organization listed "gaming disorder" in its International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11) as a mental health condition for the first time. This listing recognizes that video game addiction can have a severe impact on an individual’s life and should be taken seriously. 

If you think that you or someone else may be struggling with video game addiction or is addicted to digital devices, it is important to seek help as soon as possible. Treatment for a gaming addiction can be successful and can lead to healthier, happier lives.

What Age Groups Are Most Susceptible to Video Gaming Addiction?

Video gaming addiction can affect people of all ages, but those in the age group of 12 to 20 years old are most susceptible. This is because adolescents and young adults have more access to digital devices and video games, as well as greater amounts of free time that can be devoted to gaming for extended periods of time. Adolescents and young adults are also more susceptible to the rewards associated with gaming, such as achievements and unlocking levels.  Additionally, children and adolescents may be particularly vulnerable to video game addiction due to their tendency to become immersed in activities quickly. It is important for parents to recognize the signs of a gaming addiction in their children so they can take steps to address it. 

How Can Parents Prevent Video Gaming Addiction in Their Children?

Parents can help prevent gaming addiction in their children by setting and enforcing limits on how often they can play video games, as well as setting boundaries around the types of games they can play. Parents should also monitor the amount of time their children are spending playing video games and limit it if necessary. Parents should take an active role in helping their children find other activities that are rewarding and engaging, such as sports or hobbies. Parents can also model healthy gaming habits by limiting their own screen time and taking breaks from gaming. 

It is also important to talk to your child about the potential risks associated with video game addiction and help them understand how to recognize signs of problematic gaming behaviors in themselves and their friends. By addressing video game addiction at home, parents can help prevent it in their children.

Next Level Recovery Associates Is Here to Help

Video game addiction can be a serious issue, and it is important to seek professional help if you or someone you know may be struggling with it. At Next Level Recovery Associates, our experienced and knowledgeable staff are here to help individuals struggling with video game addiction. We provide comprehensive treatment plans that can help address the underlying issues associated with gaming addiction so that you or your loved one can lead a healthier, happier life. Contact us today for more information about how we can help you take the next step in recovery.

Amy Ainsworth