Opening Up: Getting Clients to Discuss Their Personal Story in Recovery

There can be a sense of doubt that many people face when it comes to sharing their life stories. Internal questions may arise, such as: Who cares about what I have to say? Will they think I'm uninteresting or, even worse, unhinged? What if they judge me? These feelings often elevate immensely when it comes to those sharing their story in recovery. However, in recovery, opening up and sharing can be paramount for success.

Even the iconic rock-n-roller, Elvis Presly, once said in an interview, "I hope I don't bore you too much with my life story." Now, if that doesn't exemplify the universal anxiety in opening up, we're not sure what does. So, as you can see, for the professional working with those in recovery, the ability to get a client to open up can feel like a seemingly insurmountable challenge. But this feeling does not have to hold true.

There is a myriad of techniques, tools, and resources that can help get a client to narrate their journey. Here at Next Level Recovery Associates, we believe that embracing one's story can go a long way in opening the emotional door needed for recovery. Also, having been there ourselves, we understand that sharing our story can not only save the individual's life, but it can ripple out and save the lives of those who come after.

Overcoming the Stigma of Recovery

Unfortunately, there has been a long history of stigma regarding addiction and recovery. Traveling back to the 20th Century, some ways addiction was treated were through institutionalization, electroshock therapy, and even lobotomy! However, as you can see, the treatment and understanding of addiction have come a long way.

While some stigma still exists, the advancement of neurological, genetic, and behavioral understandings of addiction has advanced such that recovery stigma has become the outlier rather than the norm. Yet, some people still fear harmful exposure and professional or social retribution when telling their addiction story. So, the question arises about how to approach these reticent individuals.

This is where we here at Next Level Recovery Associates can help professionals maximize their therapeutic, clinical, or holistic approach (to name but a few specializations). The key is to remember that our goal is not to overshadow their work but to advance it with our unique and focused recovery offerings.

Opening Up in Recovery

There is a belief held by many that participate in 12-Step programs that addiction "is but a symptom" of deeper emotional defects or problems that already exist. This may include childhood traumas, abusive situations, or emotional developmental disruptions. It is important to note that whether these situations seem minimal or extreme, no emotional scarring should be minimized. All emotional or mental disorders are relative and serious for the individual.

So, the goal for these individuals is not simply to get them to tell their active addiction "war stories" but to get them to delve deeper than that. The goal is to get past the recent wreckage of their addiction to the trauma that may lie beneath the surface.

There are many ways of getting to these more in-depth struggles. But we feel uniquely qualified at Next Level Recovery Associates to help in this mission.

Utilizing a Personal Story to Help Others

Everyone on staff here at Next Level Recovery Associates has been through recovery themselves. Therefore, we understand the importance of bearing all and getting to the root of our problems. We have a few effective ways of doing this.

Delving Into Story via Case Management

One of the most important aspects of treating clients is assessing their situation. It seems obvious, but many treatment facilities do not take the time to approach their clients individually.

Our focused, individualized approach creates a plan in tandem with the professional that will best set their client up for success. We feel that a unified and investigative approach is paramount in recovery.

Intervention: Involving Family and Friends

One of our primary focuses here at Next Level Recovery Associates is intervention planning and execution. We specialize in involving the individual's loved ones (including family, friends, coworkers, etc.) to better understand our clients and use this understanding to get them to the next crucial step of their recovery.

The Importance of Relatability in Recovery

Our "recovery associates" understand the importance of sharing their recovery stories. This includes their life pre- and post-active addiction, and especially their success in recovery. Our associates can help the client share their stories and utilize their experiences to help keep them on the road to recovery and focused on their goals and commitments.

Honesty and Long-Term Recovery

Only when we get honest with ourselves can we truly begin to recover. For those in recovery, this honesty may not come easy. They may feel their story is like an albatross around their neck or unwanted "baggage."

However, with the right approach, their story will no longer feel like a burden. Instead, it will feel like one of their greatest assets.

Here at Next Level Recovery Associates, we understand how difficult it can be to get clients to open up about their personal stories. It is an emotional process. But, we also understand how crucial accessing a personal narrative can be to a successful long-term recovery. We have the specialists, resources, and connections that can help you engage with your clients and get them to open up. When someone shares their story, they are not only helping themselves, but they also unlock the ability to help others struggling. If your goal is to help your client achieve successful recovery, then we feel we can help you succeed. For more information, contact Next Level Recovery Associates at (561) 735-2590.