What Is Internet Addiction Disorder? Symptoms & Causes

Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) is a growing problem that has become increasingly prevalent in our society. Internet addiction statistics from recent studies indicate that approximately 6-10% of internet users may be affected by this disorder, with the percentage increasing significantly over recent years. Those suffering from IAD experience an inability to control their Internet use and often find themselves spending excessive amounts of time online, leading to negative impacts on both their physical and mental health. Internet addiction disorder can be caused by a variety of factors such as boredom, stress, anxiety, or depression. Those suffering from IAD may exhibit signs such as feeling preoccupied with the internet, mood swings when Internet activities are restricted, lying about Internet usage, and avoiding situations in order to continue Internet activities.

What Is Internet Addiction Disorder?

Internet addiction disorder is a serious condition that affects many people and has both physical and psychological effects. It is important to recognize the signs of internet addiction disorder so that appropriate steps can be taken to treat it. Internet addiction is not only detrimental to an individual’s health but can also lead to social isolation, financial problems, and work or academic difficulties.

Types of Internet Addiction

Internet addiction can manifest itself in a variety of ways. These can include: 

  • Social media addiction – excessive use of social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube. 

  • Online gaming addiction – spending excessive time playing online games such as World of Warcraft or Call of Duty. 

  • Chronic web browsing – excessive use of internet search engines and websites such as Google, Wikipedia, and Reddit. Shopping addiction – spending excessive amounts of time or money online shopping. 

  • Cybersex addiction – spending too much time on adult websites or engaging in online sexual activity. 

These are just some of the different types of internet addiction that can affect an individual. If you or someone you know is exhibiting signs of an internet addiction disorder, it is important to seek help from a qualified mental health professional.

Causes of Internet Addiction Disorder

To fully understand what is internet addiction disorder, you must also understand the causes of it. There are many factors that can contribute to an individual’s development of IAD, such as boredom, loneliness, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, or a need for power and control. Certain personality traits have been linked to an increased risk of developing internet addiction disorder as well. These include impulsiveness, sensation-seeking behavior, a tendency to be easily bored, and difficulty managing stress. 

There are also environmental factors that can contribute to the development of IAD, such as access to high-speed internet or a lack of parental involvement in an individual’s online activities. 

It is important to remember that not everyone who uses the internet excessively will develop an internet addiction disorder. With the proper understanding, help, and support, individuals who are exhibiting signs of IAD can learn to better manage their internet use. 

Risk Factors for Internet Addiction

Many of the risk factors associated with internet addiction disorder are similar to those associated with other types of addictions, such as alcohol or drugs. These can include having a family history of addiction, feeling socially isolated, or being exposed to peer pressure and cyberbullying. Other risk factors for IAD include spending a large amount of time alone on the internet, having difficulty controlling emotions, addiction to digital devices, or having a mental health disorder such as depression or anxiety. 

Symptoms of Internet Addiction Disorder

Some of the most common internet addiction disorder symptoms include feeling preoccupied with internet use, lying about internet usage, and avoiding or neglecting important tasks in order to continue internet activities. Those suffering from IAD may also experience withdrawal symptoms when internet access is restricted, mood swings, and problems with school or work performance due to excessive internet use. 

Internet Addiction and the Impact Mental Health

Internet addiction can have a significant impact on mental health as it is associated with increased levels of stress, anxiety, and depression. Individuals who are addicted to the internet may be more likely to engage in risky behavior such as excessive alcohol consumption or drug use. It is also linked to an increased risk of developing social anxiety or other types of anxiety disorders. 

Treatment Solutions for Internet Addiction

Treatment for internet addiction disorder typically involves a combination of psychotherapy and medication. Cognitive-behavioral therapy can help individuals identify triggers that lead to their compulsive internet use, as well develop healthier behaviors and coping strategies. Medication may also be prescribed to help with any underlying mental health conditions that are contributing to the disorder. Recovering from addiction is possible; however, it can take time and requires commitment and dedication. With the right treatment plan and support network, individuals who suffer from internet addiction disorder can learn to better manage their internet use and help in recovering from addiction

Internet Addiction Prevention Tips

There are steps that can be taken to help reduce the risk of developing an internet addiction disorder.  Setting boundaries around internet use, utilizing moderation when it comes to gaming or social media activities, and engaging in non-digital hobbies are all important for maintaining a healthy relationship with technology. Seeking professional help if you believe you may have an IAD is also important in order to get the help and support you need. 

The best way to prevent internet addiction disorder is to be aware of the signs and symptoms, and take steps to ensure that your use of technology is healthy. Parents should also monitor their children’s online activities, set rules for appropriate internet use, stay involved with their child’s activities and be aware of any changes in their behavior. 

How Can You Maintain a Healthy Relationship with the Internet and Technology?

It is important to remember that technology and the internet can be a great resource, but they must be used in moderation. Make sure to take regular breaks from technology, engage in social activities offline, and recognize how your internet use may be affecting your mental health. It is also essential to be aware of when technology is taking up too much of your time and energy and know when it’s important to take a step back for the sake of your well-being.  

Can Internet Addiction Go Along With Other Mental Health Conditions?

Internet addiction can be a sign of an underlying mental health condition such as depression or anxiety. If you are feeling preoccupied with your internet use, feel like it is negatively impacting your life, or overall feel overwhelmed and stressed out due to technology and the internet, it may be time to seek professional help. An experienced mental health provider can help you identify any underlying mental health concerns and work with you to develop a plan to help treat your internet addiction. 

Can Medication Be Used to Treat Internet Addiction Disorder?

In some cases, medication may be prescribed to help individuals with an internet addiction disorder. Medication may be used to help alleviate depression or anxiety symptoms that may be contributing to the disorder. However, it is important to note that medication should not be seen as a replacement for therapy; rather, it can be incorporated into an overall treatment plan that also includes psychotherapy, lifestyle changes, and other forms of support. Ultimately, the goal is to help individuals learn healthier ways to manage their internet use and better cope with any underlying mental health issues. 

How Can Friends and Family Members Support a Loved One with Internet Use Disorder?

Friends and family members can support a loved one who is struggling with an internet use disorder in many ways. Showing your love and understanding, providing encouragement, being patient, and actively listening are all important when it comes to supporting someone you care about. It may also be helpful to encourage them to seek professional help or look into treatment options that may be available. 

Ultimately, having an understanding of the signs and symptoms of internet addiction disorder is essential for taking steps to prevent it from occurring. If you or a loved one are struggling with internet addiction, seeking professional help can be beneficial in order to get the support and guidance needed to develop healthier ways of managing technology.

Final Thoughts

Internet addiction disorder is a serious mental health condition that can have less than favorable outcomes on an individual’s life. Although it may feel like there is no way out, getting the right help and support can make all the difference in creating lasting change. Next Level Recovery Associates provides personalized treatment plans to help those struggling with IAD regain control of their lives and build healthier relationships with technology. Reach out today to learn more about the resources available to you.

Amy Ainsworth