Truly Individualized: The Next Level Recovery Approach

One of the greatest thinkers of the modern era, Albert Einstein, once said, "All that is valuable in human society depends upon the opportunity for development accorded the individual." Now, you might be asking what that has to do with recovery. Well, the answer for us here at Next Level Recovery Associates is everything.

As no individual is alike on this planet, there are no exact individual struggles. This includes the often debilitating struggle of addiction. So, if no addiction struggle exactly mirrors another, why would they be treated identically? We certainly believe that they should not. Thus, we prioritize individualization in our entire recovery philosophy.

Next Level Recovery Associates was established because we felt that many treatment and recovery facilities offering "individualized care" do not follow through on their promise. We here at Next Level Recovery Associates are committed to individual-focused treatment plans and are not limited in the scope of what those plans look like.

There Is No Universal Approach to Recovery

Ultimately, there is no "cookie-cutter" approach to recovery. Unfortunately, there is no 100% guaranteed approach to recovery. However, some highly effective evidence-based treatments and tools can provide the best chances for an individual's recovery.

According to a scientific study in the journal Drug and Alcohol Dependence, "[T]he value of self-defined problems and their satisfactory resolution has become increasingly more apparent in clinical and public health policy during the past 40 years. There has been a move from the more clinical 'provider-centered' definition of problems and problem resolution, toward 'patient-centered' definitions, and recently to a more holistic, 'person-centered' perspective."

So what does that mean exactly for recovery in the 21st Century? It is no longer limited to an individual path or plan. This limitlessness is also how we like to operate.

Taking an Individualized Approach to Recovery Planning

One of the initial focuses that we begin with our clients is an individualized assessment via a case management specialist. In this case management process, we can determine an individual's needs and, thus, how those needs can best be met.

Our individualized case management has numerous options and offerings by which we can ensure the next steps of recovery will be available, accessible, and attainable. This may include our offerings, such as recovery and life coaching, individual and family support systems, treatment recommendations, and therapeutic assessments. These examples only scratch the surface of our numerous options.

As you can see, we do not limit ourselves to what we offer. We believe and understand that the best approach is unified and integrated. Whether working with another professional in the recovery field, a business struggling with addiction, or directly with a concerned family, we have the expertise and resources to support a recovery journey best.

Utilizing an Individualized Approach for Long-Term Recovery

Unlike many recovery facilities, our job does not stop once a client concludes their initial treatment. This, of course, depends on the professional or individual's goals and wishes. 

It is important to note that all our staff members and specialists have been through the recovery process. Therefore, we understand the importance not just of attaining recovery but maintaining it as well.

We know that maintaining recovery is a life-long journey that can be intimidating to many clients. However, with our specialized assistance, we can show a client how a life of recovery is not only manageable but also miraculous.

The Next Level Recovery Associates Individualized Approach

We have found that one of the best ways to help a client succeed is through the assistance program of one of our "recovery associates" Our recovery associates have been there before. They know the positive steps to take and, perhaps more importantly, the potential pitfalls to avoid. For the individual, our associates can ensure that they stay on track and avoid the types of "places, people, and things" that many 12-Step programs tout as critical. For the professional, we can ensure that your clients stay focused on your recovery plan.

With our case management, intervention specialization, and recovery assistance, we feel that the potential for long-term recovery is more of a reality than ever. We do not see "weary" statistics here at Next Level Recovery Associates; we see people who deserve to get well.

Arguably one of the greatest civil leaders of the modern era, Martin Luther King Jr., once said, "An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity." We want to help our clients get past their struggles so they can not only find themselves but, to paraphrase Dr. King, so they can again find themselves an integral part of the world around them.

Taking a single approach to recovery is not the answer. Everyone's addiction story is unique, which is why everyone deserves a unique plan for their recovery. Here at Next Level Recovery Associates, we believe that taking an individualized approach with each of our clients is the best way to achieve a healthy, successful, and, most importantly, long-term recovery. We have professional, experienced staff, elite resources, and exceptional connections to help your loved ones or clients with the best help available. Our ultimate goal is to help as many people recover as possible. If you share that same goal, then we feel we can be the right fit for you. Call Next Level Recovery associates at (561) 735-2590 for more information.